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Update: July 2006: Our thanks to one of our readers for the following update. please note that the witness has had a history of psychic impressions and sensitivities.

I have always loved the era of Pioneer Village and love to go there, even as a child I did, I feel drawn to this time of history.

Anyway, last summer (2005) my husband and I took our children to Pioneer Village. In some of the homes I "sense" feelings, the feelings however are usually feelings of happiness, sometimes sadness but nothing that bothers me.

This past summer however upon entering the Burwick House I immediately felt a little uneasy. We proceeded through the bottom floor of the house and proceeded up the stairs. Halfway up the stairs I sensed a horrible feeling of utter sadness and something very sinister. At the top of the stairs I felt very uneasy and wanted to immediately leave. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I said "let's go" to my husband and he said "wait, I want to see the rooms". I told him I had seen enough. He simply said "come on" and took me by the hand.

We looked in the rooms and I continually had this horribly strong sense of uneasiness. I turned and told my husband I would meet him outside.

Passing the lady on the lower floor who was standing by the front door that worked at Pioneer Village dressed in garb from that era, I was tempted to say "did you know this house is haunted?" and I wanted to ask her if she's ever had anyone complain of anything going on in the house, but of course I didn't for fear of her thinking I was totally nuts.

My husband and my kids met up with me outside and I told him how I felt, that there is a very strong presence in that house. My husband of course didn't sense anything. I felt it centering a lot around the cradle in the main bedroom, it just made me feel very uneasy.

I simply chalked it up to nothing, until reading about other people experiencing uneasiness in the same house.