
Report received about paranormal activity in a house in the downtown core.  These paranormal events happened to two different owners of the residence.  The activity includes but is not restricted to a bedroom door being locked would start to shake as if someone was trying to get in, lights going off and on, clock radio that was not set on alarm going off on its own at different times, and footsteps coming up the stairs to rooms on the upper floor, cold spots in the kitchen, and the sound of children laughing when there were no children present.   Further experiences reported by neighbours include the curtains moving on the upper floor, lights going on and off, and a dark figure appearing in the same window where the curtains were moving - all when no one was home at the time. One of the first owners thought the house was evil.  Old photographs probably belonging to the original owners were found in the house, and date back to Victorian times.  Markings on the photographs indicate they originated in the United States.  Approximately 20 years ago a fire occurred in the home, and the reporters family moved out of the home.

Please, if you have anything to share, e-mail our investigator/researcher for the area at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.