
Do renovations stir up ghostly activity? Many people feel so and this historic (circa 1817) house may be yet another case of this.

According to John Robert Colombo's Mysteries of Ontario, during the 1989 renovations, workmen claimed they heard "cries" over their own power tools and experienced one of the most 'common' type of reported poltergeist behaviour with things going "missing" only to turn up in strange and weird spots later.

Were spirits 'disturbed' by the work? Could be... Has there been any other reports either more recent or from before 1989? That's, hopefully, where you come in!

We are looking for more reports from the house. If you have anything to add or share about McIntosh-Ridley house or anywhere else in the Belleville area, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. our researcher for Belleville at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.