
I happened to find your website and I'm enjoying all the stories. I do have a story that has been in my family for years that I would like to share with you.

My mom lived at XX Wallace Ave. when she was young girl along with her parents and 2 younger sisters. My grandparents were immigrants from Italy and moved to the Dufferin and Bloor area in the late fifties. Since I was little, I heard of ghost sightings in the house. Although I lived there myself (up until the age of 3), I've never witnessed anything.

The story begins with my aunt (the middle daughter of 3 children), waking up in the middle of the night screaming because she saw an image of a man - with a dark, long cloak and black hat sitting on her window ledge. Her sisters, sleeping the bed with her, awoke to the screams but never really saw anything. There were many repeated "outbursts" by my aunt seeing the dark cloaked man.

My grandmother was the other witness to the ghost. She was always very skeptical of her daughter's visions and chalked it up to childhood dreams. One day, she was in a room doing housework and looked over to another room. There, she saw a vision of a man - long black cloak and tall hat. She screamed as the image floated across and disappeared into the wall. Being a devoted Catholic, it upset her to believe in what she just witnessed in front of her eyes.

My grandfather, while he never saw the ghost, was terrorized for years in his dreams by night terrors. He would get quite violent in his sleep. I'm not sure if this had anything to do with the dark cloaked image...or just a coincidence.

Needless to say, my grandparents moved out of the house back in the seventies and have never seen anything again. Thankfully, my grandfather's night terrors also stopped.

I have always been very curious if anyone else has ever seen or heard anything in that house other than my family.

Our thanks to the writer for sharing this family's experiences. Please note we cannot give out exact addresses of private homes.