
Janet Lunn is a gifted Canadian author whom specializes in children's literature. Her talents are widely respected and appreciated. A little known fact about Janet is that during the 1970's - 80's she and her late husband Richard experienced ghostly activity in their old farmhouse located in Hillier Ontario.

Hillier is a small community which is actually very close to Consecon (the birthplace of the Fox sisters). The Lunn's home in Hillier dated to the year 1818 with additions completed in 1890 and 1910 respectively. Up until recently Mrs Lunn continued to reside in this lovely historic house.

The ghostly activity reported to be haunting the home provided inspiration to Lunn whilst writing the now classic book "The Root Cellar." What the Lunn's experienced was the "silhouette" of a woman in a long dress and bonnet whom entered what was the parlour area of the house and lean over as if to place something on a table that was no longer there. The "silhouette" vanished. Mr Lunn was also reported to have encountered the entire apparition in solid form. Other phenomena occurring in the home included the sounds of disembodied footsteps and humming, which also according to the author affected the family dog.

For more information on Janet Lunn and how to purchase her books please check out her website located here:

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