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The spectre of a man and carriage in Val-Gagné

The following account is written in the witness' own words and the photographs depicted here are provided by the witness who retains ownership of them. The original experience occurred in the Fall of 1989, but the witness has since returned to reexamine the location and obtain photos.

This event is highly interesting as it details how a single light manifests itself into an apparition that so stuns the witness it becomes an epiphany that through the years has not been forgotten.

"I finally had an opportunity to drive to my ghost sighting site near Val-Gagné on Hwy 11 with a digital camera, and localize it at 4 AM June 27 2005. The small but marked road is exactly 3 Kms north of Gay's Garage (Ford dealership) in Val Gagné, and about 3 Kms south of Monteith. Included are pics of the road sign as seen when coming from Val Gagné, and the old gravel road that leads past the Natural Gas line by the field where I parked (approx. 150 meters from Hwy) in fall of 1989 at 3 AM to rest. Pics (esp. #03) show the field where, in near total darkness and right after I parked, I first saw a white spot of light crossing the field from left to right, a couple hundred meters away, until out of sight past the tree line for a few seconds. It then reappeared crossing the field a bit closer in the other direction. With my head out my car's rolled down window, I looked and listen for any other sign of light source or sound, but everything was quiet with no traffic going by. It kept crossing back and forth this way, closer every time. I then started making out the shape of a horse pulling a small open carriage and a man sitting on it! Then crossing at about 20 meters away, the man sitting on the carriage just stared at me, with the horse maintaining its path. The horse moved with incredible smoothness. It was on the ground but not really hitting it! What an astounding and beautiful sight! It then slowed down, just about 10 meters from me, and the man looked at me, seemingly wondering what I was doing there. That's when I started my car and raced away like a scolded cat and made it home, still wide awake... I had indeed seen a ghost. It was really an amazing sight. Not just a flash or a blur but a sustained and highly detailed white horse and man on carriage, and well visible from a distance. I wish I had stayed longer. I will try to stop again at night when I get a chance."


I would like to thank the witness for contacting us and allowing us to share the above with our readers. Unfortunately we do not have an investigator in the area at this time.